Covid-19: Keeping Our Employees Safe

While people worldwide are practicing social distancing in order to fight the global outbreak- Covid-19, there are still many people working round the clock to help make everyone’s life a little bit easier. These frontline workers are risking their lives every day however, here at MGH, we are putting our full effort to ensure the safety of our employees.

All of our MGH’s frontline employees, whether it be at warehouses in Portlink, Dhaka ICD, Air Freight facilities, etc, have been given masks, gloves, sanitizers along with any other form of protective gear deemed necessary by their job. Employees have been given training on what precautions to take in order to stay safe from the coronavirus and also what to do if any symptoms are noticed amongst themselves or anyone they have come in contact with.

Apart from this, anyone who enters any of the MGH premises, has to first properly wash/sanitize their hands and have their temperature checked to ensure the safety of our employees and to make sure they do not contaminate anything inside the premises.

Here at MGH, we believe that the people are our power and thus, their safety is of utmost concern to us. We are trying our best to make sure that our employees stay safe and sound from Covid-19.


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