Covid-19: A Guide to Staying Safe from the Pandemic

Covid-19, a worldwide pandemic, that has taken the world by storm since the beginning of 2020 with no specific treatment or vaccine yet invented and the alarming rate at which it is spreading, it’s high time we take proper precautions to avoid getting infected and slow down the contagion.

As advised by WHO (World Health Organization), the best way to slow down this pandemic is by maintaining social distancing. Given the current nature of our lifestyle, this may seem a very strange way of life, however, the most responsible thing for any person at this point to do is maintain as much distance as possible from the next person.

There are many symptoms of Covid-19, such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing and in more severe cases pneumonia and kidney failure. Having said that, in most cases the person doesn’t show any symptoms of the disease from 2-14 days after being infected and often times the symptoms can be mistaken for the common flu or a simple cold. Apart from this, the disease is extremely contagious and can be easily spread by airborne particles from an infected person.

Therefore, in order to stay safe and healthy, it is important we adopt certain practices in our daily life:

Wash and sanitize your hands at regular intervals and after touching anything that might have germs on it
Avoid touching your face and hair unnecessarily especially when outside
Use a mask
Avoid going to public places and gatherings of large people at home or outside
If you see any symptoms of fever, cough, chest discomfort, contact a health professional and self-quarantine

The next few weeks are very crucial in controlling the spread of the disease and therefore it is of utmost importance that we act responsibly not just for ourselves but for our loved ones who might be more at risk of contracting the disease. Let’s practice proper hygiene and social distancing so that we can get out of this pandemic fit as a fiddle.


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