The trailblazing spirit of MGH Logistics resonated even during the pandemic as they handled the novel commercial rail container movement twice successfully between India and Bangladesh, for bilateral trade purpose. The achievement was a result of a lengthy pursuit of efforts by both the governments, CONCOR & Indian Railways, Indian Customs, Bangladesh Railways, CCBL and MGH. PRECEDING HURDLES Previously, when the land border was non-functional for approximately 90 days due to COVID, it caused port congestion. The other associated demurrage costs caused by longer transit time, limited capacity of the sea, congestion at land routes and high airfreight costs, made it a further inconvenient option for time-bound cross border shipments. A NEW ERA IN INDIA-BANGLADESH TRADE It was the very first rail movement enterprise that opened doors to a fast and economical route for the traders in this lane, as an alternative for the traditional sea and road movement. MGH spearheadi